S Rank Hero Blast: Unveiling His Powers and Abilities

Introduction to Blast's Abilitie

Hello everyone, today we will be discussing S rank hero Blast. Hopefully, everyone is already aware of Blast. So what is Blast's powers and abilities? As of right now, Blast has demonstrated a wide range of skills.

 He can create a black hole and open the hyperspace gate, just as his gravity knuckle. He is extremely strong and fast. I still believe that Blast hasn't fully shown his strength to us.

S Rank Hero Blast: Unveiling His Powers and Abilities

Blast's Powers and Abilities

Gravity Manipulation: He can create a black hole and open the hyperspace gate, just like his gravity knuckle.

Superhuman Strength and Speed: He is extremely strong and fast.

Cosmic Reality Alteration: able to transport someone anywhere and create a black hole.

The Current State of One Punch Man Manga

Right now, Black hole and Cosmos have become a theme of One Punch Man Manga. Ever since God entered the scene and granted Garo power. And Saitama, Blast, and Garo engaged in combat. You see, all of these characters—God, Garo, Blast, etc.—have the ability to alter cosmic realities. able to transport someone anywhere and create a black hole.

S Rank Hero Blast: Unveiling His Powers and Abilities

Immunity to Cosmic Radiation

And in Hero Association, Blast, Saitama and Janos. These heroes are among the select few who are unaffected by cosmic radiation. And to the best of our knowledge, to battle God in the One Punch Man series. 

It is crucial that you are immune to cosmic radiation first and foremost. And because of that, humans and heroes were also dying.

 However, Blast revealed how he is immune to cosmic radiation in Manga Chapter 166. Furthermore, Janos stated that he is not the only person who is immune to cosmic radiation. Because he is not a human, he is a cyborg. And beside him, during Saitama's battle with Garo.

S Rank Hero Blast: Unveiling His Powers and Abilities

 Subsequently, we also discovered that Saitama is immune to cosmic radiation. That guy has literally come from the sun. Thus, it makes sense. The first stage is to be proof against cosmic radiation. The main goon of this series means to fight God.

Blast's Cosmic Elite Squad

Furthermore, we recently learned that Blast has a cosmic elite squad as well. Additionally, Blast's squad members share some of Blast's abilities. And you'll recall the sequence in which Saitama and Garo engaged in a fierce battle. 

So Blast was not able to teleport them. The energy that Saitama and Garo produced is the main cause of it. It was more than Blast's gateway could manage. 

And after that comes the entry of Blast's team. Then, we see as they all combine their abilities to transport one another.

Manipulating Cosmic Realities

But now the biggest question is how Blast can manipulate the realities of the cosmos. He is also immune to cosmic radiation. In addition, he has the ability to travel between different dimensions.

 And Blast's teammates can also do all these things. However, how? So one possibility also comes in front that it is probable that Blast and his teammates.

 Have been pawns of God. Or they have experienced God's power firsthand. And they also got corrupted. You must remember this dark cube which Blast was collecting. This functions similarly to a transmitter, which is a way to speak with God.

S Rank Hero Blast: Unveiling His Powers and Abilities

Theories and Questions

The second question is, how is Blast aware of all of this? Has Blast gone through all of this already? Thus, it's likely that Blast and his associates. derived power from these cubes as well. And they fled that place without becoming tainted. And this could be the reason that they have God level power.

 Blast may construct a pocket realm with this realm Cannon. Additionally, Blast attempted to absorb Garo in that pocket universe with the use of this. However, as everyone is aware, Garo is able to mimic Blast's blows. 

However, I believe that Blast possesses a great deal more strength than he utilized while on Earth. Because our planet may have been destroyed if he had reached his full capacity.

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