Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

With a focus on anime, news & updates, anime queries, and top 10 best lists, this page explains our policies on the collection, use, and sharing of Personal Information when you use our service at

Data collection and Usage

When utilizing our service, we could ask for the following types of personal information, among others:

• Email address 

Log Data

The Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, browser version, pages viewed, date and time of visit, and other data are among the Log Data that we gather from your computer.

DoubleClick Cookie and Google AdSense

Ads on our Service are served by Google, a third-party company using cookies.


"Cookies" are tools we utilize for data collection. Although you can set your browser to reject all cookies, doing so might make it harder for you to utilize some parts of our service.

Service Providers

We might work with outside businesses to make our service easier. They are required to keep your Personal Information private and confidential; they can only use it to carry out tasks on our behalf.


Although we use widely accepted commercial security measures to safeguard your personal information, there is always a risk associated with electronic transmission and storage.

Links To Other websites

There could be links to external websites on our service. We recommend that you read the privacy policies on every website you visit because we have no control over and take no liability for the information or policies found there.

Children' Privacy

Children under the age of eighteen are not the target audience for our service. If we unintentionally come into contact with a youngster under the age of 18, we shall remove it as soon as we find it.

Changes To This Privacy Policy 

This Privacy Policy may be updated, and any updates will take effect immediately upon posting on this page. Regularly reviewing this policy is advised.

Contact Us

Please contact us with any queries you may have regarding this privacy statement.